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18.07.2006, 13:34

Mauszeiger mit Tastatur bewegen

Ich kannte das bis jetzt nicht, obwohl es die Funktion schon seit Jahren gibt:


< Move the mouse cursor with keyboard >
You can use your keyboard for moving the mouse cursor in the X Window System. This means you can use the mouse without touching it at all!

< Moving the cursor >
Of course you must have the X Window System running first... Then press Shift + NumLock to turn the feature on.
Move the mouse using the 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 keys in your number pad. Take a look at your number pad, and you'll quite quickly figure out which key moves the mouse in which direction.

< Clicking >
Click by hitting the 5 key on your number pad. Double click by hitting it twice.
Click and hold by hitting the 0 key. To release, hit 5.
By default, hitting the 5 key will do a left click. You can select what button to click with the /, *, and - keys on your number pad:
/ Left click
* Middle click
- Right click
Note that these just select the mouse button. You still need to use 5 to click it.
Ok, "left click" is a bad term because you can configure your mouse the way you want, but by "left click" I mean "the mouse behavior that occurs when most people using right-handed mouse click the left button." You know what I mean, let's not pick the nits here.

< Turning the mouse feature off >
Press Shift + NumLock again to turn this feature off.
"Erst nachdem wir alles verloren haben, haben wir die Freiheit, alles zu tun."
"It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything!"

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