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29.07.2007, 11:35

Lustige Gentoo Wiki Einträge

Hab mir grad noch das E17 Howto gegeben und darin folgendes als Warnhinweis gefunden:


Warning: This article holds many scripts and command line examples, so as a rule of thumb, do not copy/paste commands without fully understanding them, especially as root. (Keep in mind this is a wiki, anyone could edit it, even Steve Balmer.) Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

...kennst noch wer mehr von solcher Art Hinweisen innerhalb des Wikis? :D
Es gibt bloss eins, was wichtig ist: dass man sterben muss.

Suicide is man's way of telling God, "You can't fire me - I quit."

no one gets out here alive....


14.08.2007, 19:15…Crypt_with_LUKS
Finde das anfangs mit dem zu tote Quälen usw. schon amüsant.


Someone tortures you to death to get the passphrase.


Warning: This would save your data only, you'd get killed either way. If the data is more important than your life it would be stupid for you to rely on the information presented in this amateur document.


dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda
(go and take a nap, because this takes a long time to finish)
# if you used /dev/random come back in 100 years
"Erst nachdem wir alles verloren haben, haben wir die Freiheit, alles zu tun."
"It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything!"

Jabber: Die ID kann via PN erfragt werden.